Friday 31 July 2009

Murder on my doorstep

"It's murder on the dancefloor!"....

It was chucking it down and I was stood in Temple Newsam park listening to Sophie-Ellis Bextor perform to the '70,000' at party in the park. Little did I know that just 24 hours later, it wouldn't be murder on the dancefloor, but murder on my doorstep. (Ok, not literally, but let me tell the story yeah?)

It all started on Sunday night. Me and the missus had got over the downpour that was PITP and the dissapointment that was 'The Proposal' at the cinema (Don't go see it, no matter what Loz says!) and were making our way home, on pulling into my street the girlfriend flicked off her headlights for a few moments (And that's all it would be) of in car smoochy. Instead of turning to me however, she kind of froze, and flicked the light's straight back on.

"Who's that?"

She asked, with a hint of worry in her voice. Obviously I didn't want to show any worry, i'm a man for god's sake! So I laughed a little as I replied.

"Who? Where?"

"You're next door neighbour's drive, I could have sworn I saw somebody there."

I looked again, there were no lights on in the house and no sign of any life. Re-assuring her that it must have just been in her imagination I kissed her goodnight and headed inside. I forgot about the mysterious man incident until about half 10 the next morning, when my mum popped her head around my bedroom door.

"Did you're dad tell you about all the police earlier?"

I looked at her, firstly in disgust for waking me up at such an early time (I'm currently a bum) and secondly in a 'What?' kind of way. I shook my head and turned back over, thinking there was probably a police car outside with a couple of policemen...sorry officers having a chat with a few local chavs. However my need to be nosey got the better of me and two minutes later I was up and pulling back the curtains.

It was like i'd switched an episode of The Bill on my TV. Numerous police, cars and vans. Crime scene investigation vehicles and the residents of the Kensington estate (Which backs onto my next door neighbours house, linking this and the mystery man story) stood on the pavement near the main road. The whole street had been cordoned off and more and more police were arriving. Throughout the next few hours journalists came and went and I was doing my best to find out what the scoop was! Two bodies had been found in the boot of a car in the estate right next to mine. According to newspaper reports in the following days, they were found around 12:30am.....around about an hour after I had arrived home from the cinema.

You see these things on the news and hear about them on the radio but you don't pay them much interest, which means when it does happen within touching distance of you and where you live it really gets you thinking. Ever since that day i've wondered about the incident and heard different rumours, but the one thing I can't get out of my head? Did I see a murderer on my next door neighbours drive that night?.....


P.S Sorry Bang mate. I'm so bored though.

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